[paper-review] Text2Reaction : Enabling Reactive Task Planning Using Large Language Models

RA-L, 2024. [Paper]

Zejun Yang , Li Ning, Haitao Wang, Tianyu Jiang, Shaolin Zhang, Shaowei Cui, Hao Jiang, Chunpeng Li, Shuo Wang and Zhaoqi Wang

May. 05.

Fig. 1: Overview of Text2React.


Text2Reaction : Enabling Reactive Task Planning Using Large Language Models (R-AL, 2024)


They propose Text2Reaction, an LLM-based framework enabling robots to continuously reason and update plans according to the latest environment changes.


Fig. 2: Flowchart of Text2React.

Fig. 3: Reasoning Steps of Text2React.

  • They present the Re-planning Prompt, which informs LLMs the basic principles of re-planning.
    • It fosters the gradual development of a current plan to a new one in a three-hop reasoning manner: cause analysis, consequence inference, and plan adjustment
  • OffPlanner: an LLM-based planner that generates initial plans
  • On-Planner: another planner, which updates plans under the guidance of the re-planning prompts


  • Re-planning is an important part of the reactive robot.
    • They showed an LLM-based framework capable of comprehensively analyzing various feedback and continuously re-planning in response to environment changes.
  • They propose new evaluation metrics for the success rate of task replanning: Executability Rate(ER), Success weighted by Path Length(SPL).

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